

Other Name(s): Ligandrol, LGD 4033, VK-5211
Half Life: 24 hours

LGD-4033, known also as Ligandrol, i...



s a non-steroidal SARM that binds with the AR, producing steroid-like results and revolutionary potential in medical science.

It’s in a group of androgen receptor ligands that are tissue selective, created to cure muscle wasting linked with acute and chronic diseases, age-related muscle loss, Osteoporosis and cancer.

Developed by Viking Therapeutics, LGD-4033 is anticipated to yield the healing benefits of testosterone with better safety, admissibility and patient acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanism of action and its oral form of administering.

As of now, LGD-4033 is the strongest of all the SARMS in terms of the performance enhancement benefits & it’s ability to promote muscle growth.

The Science Behind LGD 4033

As we mentioned, since Ligandrol is a SARM, it works in mostly the same way. By tying androgen receptors in a very selective and specific way, it is able to promote an anabolic activity level EXCLUSIVELY in the muscle and bone. This is all without harmfully effecting the prostate, liver or sebaceous glands like steroids would which gives it a huge advantage.

Why YOU Should Take Ligandrol: The Benefits

Many athletes and scientists have been excited about it’s potential in sports and bodybuilding, and has since become very popular.

So what will you get out of taking a cycle of Ligandrol?

A Phase I study was recently done, and here are the benefits of Ligandrol that were experienced that make it so popular:

Increased Muscle Tissue & Weight Gain

Unlike prohormones or anabolic steroids, you’re not going to put on 15-20 lbs taking LGD or any SARM for that matter.

However, most people do report gaining 1.5-2 lbs in a single week while on cycle. In addition to that, scientific studies have shown that a 21 day period was enough to show a dramatic change in lean muslce tissue.

You might put on close to 10 lbs if you really do things right, but this will be lean, smooth muscle tissue with no to no water bloat or joint pain.

Maintain a high protein, high calorie diet and you’ll do just fine.

Improves Strength Levels

Along with muscle gain, LGD will rapidly increase your strength levels as well, sometimes more quickly than the weight you gain.

In fact, the improvements in muscular tissue that LGD 4033 helps promote could be said to what causes the increase in size and weight.

Perfect for Recomp & Anti Catabolic

LGD 4033 has amazing anti catabolic benefits, which basically means that it switches your body’s primary source of fuel to body fat and helps to prevent muscle wasting.

So whether you’re putting on size or on a strict diet to cut weight, Ligandrol will optimize your results either way.

Since LGD help shred body fat while building muscle, it will truly shine if you want to transform your physical appearance.

Ligandrol: Cure for Osteoporosis?

One of the most revolutionary things about Ligandrol, aside from it’s obvious aesthetic benefits, is it’s ability to incease periostel bone formation.

This means stronger bones and tendons. So, when you combine that with a simultaneous improvement in muscular strength, you can see how LGD 4033 is a compound that can make some serious difference for someone suffering with many forms of muscle, bone or tendon complications.

Cancer Cachexia

Without diving too deep into scientific research, I wanted to also include our findings about Ligandrol that have shown improvements in cancer cachexia, common with people who have AIDs or with cancer.

The Side Effects of LGD 4033

Now that we’ve talked about all the good things you can get by taking a SARM like Ligandrol, you might be wondering what kind of adverse effects you might experience on cycle.

The good news is that they are MINIMAL, at least AS OF NOW (which I want to stress)

Because LGD 4033 is so new, scientists are still learning about possible long term effects, and what we know now can always change in a moment. SARMs are so exciting because they’re able to accomplish many medical benefits without the negative effects of testosterone therapy or anabolic steroids.

LGD is no exception.

In fact, it has even been shown to be safe all the way up to 100 times it’s normal dose.

Does Ligandrol Decrease Testosterone Levels?

Despite some claims that LGD 4033 will raises test levels, the research has actually shown the opposite. However, don’t be alarmed. They went back to normal within a few weeks.

Try getting those kinds of benefits using prohormones.

Other side effects reported by people in forums and all over the internet include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Hot flashes and increased sweating
  • Muscle Pumps
  • Hair Loss
  • & Headaches

It’s worth noting that there even the mildest of side effects like the ones above are rare, and most of them haven’t been proven to be a direct cause of Ligandrol.

Bottom Line: There have been no serious or long lasting negative effects reported as a result of taking LGD 4033.

And with it’s 24 hour half life, anything you DO experience will go away pretty quickly. I also recommend you limit each cycle to a maximum of 6 weeks and take a full month off before you take it again.



Other Name (S) starine, Enobosarm
Half Life:24 hours

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 is a SARM (selective androgen receptor module) created by GTx to avoid an...



d treat muscle wasting. It can later on be a cure for avoiding atrophy (total wasting away of a body part), cachexia, sarcopenia and Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

This type of SARM cannot only retain lean body mass but as well as increase it. Ostarine is often mistaken as S1 but S1 was created earlier and is no longer going through more expansion.

Benefits of Ostarine

MK-2866, although totally safe, can provide subtle but consistent gains in muscle, size and strength in your rodent. It’s safe to say you can easily gain 5-10 lbs of muscle over several weeks.

What’s most important is that the gains you receive are lasting and will stay with you for the most part.

Some of the other benefits include:

  • Increased lean mass gains
  • Better strength
  • More endurance
  • Joint healing abilities
  • Anabolic (even at doses as low as 3 mg)

In fact, many athletes take Ostarine for those very reasons, like Amanda Ribas UFC fighter who was tested positive for the compound in June of 2017 and suspended for two years over it.

The Science Behind Ostarine

SARMS bind to the androgen receptor (AR), which then show osteo (bone) and myo (muscular) selective anabolic activity as a result.

This tying and stimulation intensifies protein synthesis and builds muscle.

Ostarine causes muscle growth in a similar way to steroids, but without the negative effects you would typically experience like on the prostate or other secondary sexual organs.


MK-2866 uses its anabolic effects on muscle tissue fully so it’s not only a potential cure for muscle wasting ailments, but brings incredible benefits to athletes who want to build muscle. It is also an agent to reduce degeneration during recovery times from serious surgery or similar conditions.

*Ostarine has undergone 8 scientific trials by GTx with about 600 subjects plus 3 efficiency studies. A 4-month Phase IIb medical trial including 159 patients have shown a complete boost in total lean muscle mass compared to placebo and the secondary goal of increasing muscle strength.

In terms of bodybuilding, Ostarine users have proven that MK-2866 can help improve lean muscle mass and strength levels.

Ostarine for Preventing Injuries

The effects of MK-2866 convert to anabolism in bone and skeletal muscle tissue, which means it could be used in the future for different purposes such as osteoporosis and as a simultaneous treatment with drugs that decrease bone density. So, it has great use as a compound for injury recovery, specifically bone and tendon related injuries.

Uses of MK-2866

Benefits of the well known SARM Ostarine have been documented in countless studies with effective dosages ranging from 25mg to 50mg per 24-36 hours.

There is no evidence that surpassing the 50mg dosage will provide any increases in benefits.

Even though MK2866 resembles a mild version LGD4033, it’s duration and tolerability throughout multiple studies have demonstrated safety and effectiveness for up to 6 months (24 weeks).

For Bulking

Ostarine shines best when used for gaining lean muscle (bulking) or putting on extra size. Suggested dosage is 25 mg for 4-6 weeks. PCT is not necessary. An increase of 6 lbs. of lean, keepable gains can be observed during this period.

You can take Ostarine as high as 36 mg for 8 weeks BUT only if you weigh 210 lbs. Suppression is expected in higher doses so PCT after a cycle is a must.

For Recomping

Ostarine shines in recomping due to its nutrient portioning results. Calorie is used to build muscle which helps in weight loss and enhancing muscle mass and strength. Suggested dosing is 12.5-25 mg for 4-8 weeks.

*Your diet must contain 30% of lean sources of protein to achieve the best recomp result.

For Cutting

MK-2866 can help cut whilst preserving muscle gains and decreasing calories. Suggested dosing is 12.5-15 mg for 4-6 weeks.


MK-2866 has a half-life of 24 hours. Each dose should be taken ONCE per day.

Ostarine Side Effects

MK-2866 is fully side effect free. The only threat is that it’s possible to experience some mild natural test shut down in cycles over 4 weeks, but the time between cycles are only 4 weeks.



Half Life: 18-24 hours

SARMS or selective anderogen receptor modulators are well-known for giving the same muscle growth results as anabolic steroids bu...



t without the negative side effects that comes with the latter. Japanese scientists are doing an experiment on a new SARM known as YK11 which is said to be the strongest among them all.

YK11 is believed to be a SARM and produce the effect of myostine at the same time.

Here’s what we know as of today…

How YK11 Works

In 2011, Yuichiro Kanno of Toho University published the results of an initial study on YK11, confirming that the rare compound was a SARM. However, most people are now considering it to be what’s called a Myostatin Inhibitor.

YK11 attaches itself to the AR (androgen receptor), and modulates specific muscle receptors while being able to eliminate the traditional effects of steroids.

Most SARMS have limited androgenic side effects, but also lesser anabolic effect when compared to testosterone.

However, that’s not the case with YK 11 according to the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin in 2013. When Kanno used C2C12 muscle cells to test the effects of the SARM, it was found that the muscle cells produce more anabolic factors if exposed to 500 nmol (nanomoles) YK11 than if you expose the same muscle cells to 500 nmol DHT.

YK11 induces muscle cells to make even more follistatin than DHT does (a strong myostatin inhibitor). By working through the androgen receptor, YK 11 is able to product effects just as powerful as testosterone.

Dosing Guidelines

Most people recommend between 5 and 10 mg, twice per day. As anything else, always start low to assess tolerance and build your way up.

YK 11 is a powerful SARM that shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, even at 30mg people have reportedly felt little to no side effects.


YK11 shows a lot of promise as a very powerful muscle building SARM. It’s one of the newer SARMs currently undergoing research, but it looks incredibly promising.

As a myostatin inhibitor, it will also be amazing when combined with other SARMs. The only downside as people have mentioned are the fact that it’s never been done on human or animal trials at this point.

There’s still a lot to be learned, so our opinion on this SARM will change as more research develops.

If you’re tried it yourself, let me know in the comments below what you think as well!




Other Name(s): RAD 140, Testolone
Half Life: 12-18 hours depending on individual RAD 140, also known as Testolone, ...



is an orally bioavailable, non-steroidal, selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has the ability to increase lean muscle mass and reinforce the effects of testosterone without the unwanted side effects of anabolic steroids.

Early studies and user reviews have delivered better results than steroid use with minimal side effects, making it one of the most exciting and powerful SARMs to date. Read on for a comprehensive review of everything you need to know about RAD 140, including benefits, side effects, studies and results for increasing muscle mass and preserving gains.


RAD140 is currently being developed by pharmaceutical company Radius. Its initial discovery was originally published in 2010, which means studies are limited. However, initial studies, company reports and anecdotal user reviews have been highly promising for building muscle without the side effects of anabolic steroids.

Discovered via an Internal Discovery Program, Testolone is actually being developed for the treatment of breast cancer and muscle wasting in postmenopausal women. According to the company’s website, the FDA accepted their Investigational New Drug Application and the first human clinical trial was expected to begin in 2017.

How RAD140 Works

The androgen receptor (AR) primarily targets normal human sexual development, but its activation by compounds (such as testosterone) also effects bone, muscle, liver and the central nervous system.

The problem within the medical and bodybuilding communities is that using testosterone to activate AR signaling for increased muscle and bone development also affects the sex tissues, resulting in testicular atrophy, enlarged clitoris in females and even risks of prostate cancer. 

RAD140, a nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) bypasses this issue. Due to the way RAD140 binds to the androgen receptor, different cells respond by releasing different proteins, with only some androgen receptors being activated throughout the body.

This stimulation results in androgen receptor activation in bone and muscle cell, rather than raising liver enzymes or affecting sexual tissue.

According to the Cambridge-based pharmaceuticals company Radius:

“…The potent, orally bioavailable and nonsteroidal RAD 140 is designed to make the hormonal receptors in the tissues of the body act as if they’re getting a good dose of testosterone, setting off the same effects of prohormones and anabolic steroids minus the unwanted side effects…”


1. RAD140 helps increase muscle mass

The number one benefit of supplementing with RAD140 is its ability to increase lean tissue without increasing fat. In fact, during initial studies done on monkeys, scientists observed an average weight gain of more than 10% in just 28 days. This was done using only RAD 140 and without any adverse side effects traditionally related to testosterone.

2. RAD140 may enhance speed, stamina and endurance during high-intensity workouts

Want to work out longer, harder and get better results every time you hit the gym? Reports of enhanced speed, stamina and endurance during workouts are common when supplementing with Testolone. Additionally, thanks to its ability to increase lean muscle tissue and decrease fat, high-intensity workouts and interval training can be optimized every time.

3. RAD140 has a greater anabolic effect than testosterone

Similar to other SARMs such as LGD4033(Ligandrol) or S4(Andarine), RAD140 produces similar results to testosterone but without the side effects.

RAD140 interacts with the hormonal receptors of muscle and bone tissue in the same ways as larger doses of testosterone, all without the estrogenic side effects caused by anabolic steroids.

Many users on forums also report greater anabolic effects than testosterone and is sometimes used as a PCT for steroid users to retain muscle mass between cycles.

4. RAD140 may reduce the side effects of testosterone

When taken in conjunction with anabolic steroids, initial studies indicated that RAD140 reduces the side effects of testosterone stimulation on the prostate and seminal vesicles of monkeys.

Additionally, many anabolic steroid users report concerns for the health of their liver. However, during the 28-day trial these monkeys also showed minimal liver enzyme elevations on a dose 10x higher than the fully effective dose, even though weight was gained during a short timeframe (which can cause liver strain).

Our advice? With the results from RAD140 already proving better than anabolic steroid use, users may be better off forgetting testosterone altogether and sticking to SARMs.

5. Testolone does not appear to have the same side effects of anabolic steroids on reproductive organs

Initial studies on mice have found that low doses of RAD140 is all that’s needed to stimulate muscle growth without affecting the weight of the prostate.

This means that RAD140 has the ability to selectively stimulate muscle and bone growth while reducing the effects on sex tissue such as the prostate or clitoris. (So yes, this means RAD140 is safe for women)

6. RAD140 may aid weight loss by increasing fat loss

RAD140 indirectly reduces body fat by increasing muscle and bone cells, which are more metabolically expensive to maintain than fat cells. By increasing muscle mass, in increase in the metabolism is seen, which results in easier weight loss.

Users also report increased muscle growth and decreased fat stores thanks to RAD140’s ability to increase stamina, endurance and speed during a interval training.

7. RAD140 is being trialed for the treatment of breast cancer

RAD140 was discovered and is currently being developed by pharmaceutical company Radius specifically for the treatment of Androgen Receptor (AR) and Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER ) breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

In vitro studies completed in 2017 showed that RAD140 inhibited the growth of AR/ER breast cancer cells. Results from these studies supported further investigation of RAD140 as a breast cancer treatment, and the first human clinical trials were brought forward.

8. RAD140 is indicated to be neuroprotective for brain health in neurodegenerative diseases

As testosterone levels in men decline, the risk of disease in androgen-responsive tissue (including the brain) increases, implicating the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

However, treating AR diseases with testosterone may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Recent studies suggest that RAD140 may be as effective as testosterone in reducing cell death without side effects to the prostate.

Side Effects

As with most SARMs, studies show that RAD140 does not appear to have any side effects common to steroidal compounds. Unlike testosterone, RAD140 does not cause prostate enlargement or testicular shrinkage.

However, as it is still in early developmental stages, this does not mean that there are no long-term effects. Some user-reported side effects include headaches or insomnia that disappear with correct dosage.

Dosing Recommendations

Testolone studies are still being produced, but it has been known to have equal potency and effectiveness to that of LGD4033.

Studies on male primates suggest 20-30mg per day every 24-36 hours is optimal for maximum skeletal hypertrophy, inline with anecdotal testimonials from users. Safe durations for research have been tolerated for up to 12 weeks, however, developing trials may indicate tolerance for up to 24 weeks.

It is important to note that RAD140 systematically regulates the neuroexcitatory amino acid Kainate which activates glutamate receptors in the brain. Kainate acid’s role in neuronal cell death (specifically in the hippocampus) has been shown to be a primary contributor to Alzheimer’s disease. RAD140 has demonstrated positive results in the prevention of Kainate acid production and medical based research published by The Endocrine Society suggests RAD140 can improve brain health through neuroprotective properties in as little as 13 days (Jayaraman, 2014).

Although safe for women, lower doses ARE recommended. Females are advised to start at 5mg per day with an upper limit of no more than 10mg per day.

                                                                         RAD 140 DOSAGE

                                                                  MIN         MAX        CYCLE

                                                  MALE      20mg      30mg       8-12 week

                                                FEMALE    5mg       10mg       (with results seen in as 4 weeks)

As an orally bioavailable compound, RAD140 is available as a capsules to be taken directly and followed with a glass of water.

Although there is no official human dose for RAD140, its potency and effectiveness has been compared to LGD-4033.

Current research indicates that it is tolerated for use up to 12 weeks.


Although great on its own, RAD140 can be stacked with other SARMs for added benefits tailored to your individual needs.

Many users report stacking RAD140 (Testolone) with MK 677 (Nutrobal) and MK2866 (Ostarine) to provide a powerhouse for building muscle, burning fat, boosting growth hormones, joint recovery and improved sleep.

Testolone is particularly beneficial for older users who benefit from reduced muscle wastage, joint health and better sleep for recovery.


RAD140 (Testolone) – 30mg
MK2866 (Ostarine) – 25mg
MK677 (Nutrabol) – 12mg

Final Review

From the compelling research provided by the latest scientific studies to anecdotal user reviews of exceptional muscle gain with minimal side effects, it’s hard to fault RAD140 as a vital supplement in your bodybuilding toolkit.

Compared to other SARMs, RAD140 has been reported to deliver results in as little as 4 weeks, although longer cycles of up to 12 weeks are advised for the best results. Some user testimonials suggest amazing results after only a 6-week cycle.

Because it selectively targets muscle and bone tissue, RAD140 doesn’t have the side effects caused by steroid use. This lack of side effects and minimal testosterone release makes RAD140 ideal for both men and women looking for defined lean muscle and increased fat loss.

The only obvious concern with RAD140 is the limited clinical human studies that have been performed in the scientific community. However, studies on nonhuman primates look promising, and are consistent with anecdotal testimonials from the bodybuilding communities.

If you’re looking for increased endurance, stamina, fat loss and muscle gains without the side effects of testosterone, RAD140 is a great choice for your next cycle.


Half Life: 24 hours

Produced by Gold Bond Labs, MK 677 (commonly known as Nutrobal) is an orally administered growth hormone&nbs...



p;secretagogue that is designed to stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone.

It was originally formulated to manage health problems like osteoporosis, obesity and muscle wasting, but MK 677 has been shown to promote an increase in lean body mass as well as a boost in IGF-1 serum concentration during clinical runs.

For this reason, it didn’t take people in the bodybuilding industry very long to start using it as a way to enhance their performance.

How MK 677 (Nutrobal) Works

Like most other SARMs, Nutrobal works by targeting specific androgen receptors and alters the way they function in the body.

As a result, this stimulates them in a way that can mimic the anabolic effects of steroids and prohormones. MK 677 (Nutrobal) is rather similar to peptides like Ipamorelin and GHRP-6, but you won’t experience any of the typical side effects.

This is why SARMS like MK 677 are considered as game changers in the world of fitness and in pharmaceutical science.

Moreover, here are the positive effects of MK 677 (Nutrobal) in terms of improving growth hormone pulse intensity:

  • Inhibits the signaling of somatostatin receptors
  • Slows down the activity of somastostatin in the system
  • Improves somatotroph signaling in growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH)
  • Amplifies and increases the overall production and release of GHRH

Benefits of MK 677 (Nutrobal)

Aside from a dramatic change in your IGF-1 and growth hormone levels while on MK 677, you can experience many benefits from a cycle including:

  • a more rapid healing of ligaments, tendons, bones as well as old injuries
  • builds lean muscle mass and size gains
  • increases the oxidation of fat
  • and has even been shown to loosen tight skin after weight loss!

In Terms of Sleep:

Most users who have already tried taking MK 677 shared that they experienced better sleep while on this growth hormone secretagogue. They also had an increase in vivid dreaming in the process, which made going to bed much more satisfying and exciting from their perspective.

Had a great 30 days at 50-60mg. Sleep,skin,recovery and fullness all improved.of adminnistering mk-677 and netting the same results.Going from 30-60 mg,:

still on split dose of am/pm. Dropped to 20mg for each dose, totalling 40 mg per day.Skin has really cleared up and tone is even. Sleep is soild. Liking mk more and more

In Terms of Achieving Gains and Shredding:

MK 677 users relate that they noticed positive changes in their overall physique in just a few days’ time while using this GHS. Apart from having their muscles looking fuller and vascular than before, the gains they are able to achieve are much more distinct as well.

Possible Side Effects

Akin to other products that stimulate the elevated amounts of growth hormones in the body, MK 677 (Nutrobal) can cause a slight increase in appetite, temporary bouts of lethargy and numb hands.

Some claim it could lower GHIH levels, but that’s still to be determined.

Recommended Dosage

Studies have already been done on dosing the of MK-677 ranging from 10mg all the way to 50mg.

What they found is that while the HGH levels were NO HIGHER than at 50mg than those who took 10mg, it DID show an increase in IGF levels.

What this suggests is that for general fat burning and stamina, 10mg is sufficient enough to improve HGH levels and see results.

But if you want a little bit more of the muscle buildling effects, a higher IGF level will be effective and you might consider increasing your dosage to up to 50mg.

As a general guideline, most users suggest a sweet spot of about 25mg per day, which could increase IGF levels by as much as 80% the first 30 days at 25mg.

Tip: Take it right before bed for maximum effect and some extra dreaming benefits.

CARDARINE (501516)

Half Life: 20-24 hours

What is GW 501516 (Cardarine)

GW 501516 (or Cardarine), is a research chemical developed in the 1...



990s to prevent and cure tumor formation in the colon, prostate, and breasts. Studies done in the early 2000s have found that GW 501516 and other PPAR agonists have also been able to stop metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes through specific gene expressions.

As research continued to grow, bodybuilders quickly caught on to GW 501516, calling it “the ultimate endurance enhancing supplement.”

Plus, Cardarine’s ability to burn off excess fatty tissue, enhance recovery, and dramatically increase endurance has made this product a staple in every athlete’s cycle and PCT. With no harmful side effects found in the past 20 years, no wonder why GW 501516 has become a legend in the world of sports and athleticism.

Let’s take a closer look…

How It Works

GW 501516 is is a PPARδ agonist and NOT a SARM, but does work in very similar ways. In this case, GW 501516 targets the androgen receptors that stimulate glucose uptake and skeletal muscle tissue. Currently, it is being suggested as a potential treatment for obesity by rapidly melting through through what’s called “fatty acid Oxidation“.

Also, Cardarine is said to increase HDL by an average of 79% (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) in current Phase II trials.

These help increase your HDL levels from an enhanced expression of the cholesterol transporter ABCA1.

The Benefits of GW 501516

The benefits of Cardarine seem to be endless, both in medical science and in the gym. Many studies have been done on GW 501516 showing numerous positive effects during trial, despite minimum side effects.

That is part of the reason why Cardarine has recently become so popular.

Below are a list of the most powerful benefits that you could experience while taking a cycle of GW 501516 (compiled from much research and study)

The Ultimate Endurance Supplement

GW 501516 is literally the best it gets when it comes to endurance, energy, stamina, and performance enhancement of any kind.

It is used by elite athletes for a reason, from cyclists to elite bodybuilders. In fact, WADA has even added GW 501516 to their list of banned substances because of it’s competitive advantage.

You can expect insane levels of intensity in the gym, shorter recovery times, and be able to bust through plateaus like never before.

Also, the energy you get from Cardarine is not experienced as jittery or anxious. It’s not a stimulant, and you won’t crash hours later.

In fact, many users even report feeling an overall sense of well being and calmness.

Some of the other benefits include:

  • Rapidly melts fat and NON catabolic.
  • Provides noticeable results on the first dose.
  • The ability to run for as long as 8-12 weeks.
  • Is versatile and can be stacked with anything.
  • Can be used while cutting OR bulking.
  • No side effects, liver toxicity, or suppression have been reported.
  • No need for a PCT

Cardarine: The Cure for Obesity?

THE PRIMARY ROLE is GW’s ability to rid the body of unwanted fatty tissue and it has become almost LEGENDARY. The chemical compounds in this particular PPAR agonist functions in differentiation of adipocytes.

Much like growth hormone, GW 501516 generates proinflammatory markers in adipose tissue and decreasing the activity of genes involved in lipogenesis. This means that the body is able to block fatty acid chains from forming and being stored as fat.

A study from Scientific Reports published in 2015 stated:


“GW501516 acts on PPAR beta cells that exclusively use body fat as energy in the same way the body would when going through “starvation mode”.

The study is quoted stating: “physiological and pathophysiological functions of PPAR and generated novel strategies to treat metabolic diseases”.

The activation of these particular genes in the body have been seen to burn body fat at such an alarming rate that it is being coined “the cure to obesity”.

There were absolutely no adverse side effects detected in the last 20 years of study and it was extremely rare to see muscle wasting at any point during the research.

Cardarine’s Effects on Muscle Fibers

The 2015 study by Wei Chen, PhD and his colleges has also found that dramatic increases in the PPAR gene in slow twitch muscle fibers increases oxygen usage and greatly increases endurance. The enhanced endurance was seen in lab mice with a normal oxygen supply and those with oxygen restrictions which provided significant evidence that GW501516 targets and enhances skeletal muscle endurance and recovery time to a supraphysiological level.

A study titled “A metabolomic study of the PPARδ agonist GW501516 for enhancing running endurance in Kunming mice” stated that BCAA were spared during trials of intense exercise which allowed the mice to have a greater rate of recovery in muscle tissue and neurotransmitters.

These rats had even lost weight while maintaining a high fat diet, suggesting it could potentially prevent obesity and help manage weight regardless of diet or lifestyle.

Side Effects

Not to say that there are none, but in the last 20 years no side effects have been seen by anyone studying the drug.

GW501516 has not only been tested in healthy subjects, but also those with simulated “real life” habits (such as drinking alcohol, stimulant narcotics, and the use of tobacco products). It is uncertain if there are long term ramifications, but no research has been published stating otherwise.

This is what makes Cardarine so incredibly popular and usable over long periods of time. In certain studies, there have even been signs showing the reversal of diabetes, obesity, Dyslipidemia and many other diseases.

Liver Damage

In contrast to popular belief, GW501516 doesn’t promote damage of liver cells. The chemical has actually been known to promote healthy liver function and faster healing properties to the skin and muscle tissue. In essence, you will not heal rapidly like Wolverine from the X Men movies, but you will shorten the your recovery time from scratches, blisters, and injured muscles by a significant amount.


There has been many forum comments expressing the concerns of GW501516 and it’s relationship to cancer and tumor development. The hypothesis for this controversy stems from GW’s ability to improve Angiogenesis in the body at an extremely high rate and the rate of cancer growth in the colons of lab mice.

This is a common occurrence among endurance athletes and children going through adolescence. Scientists had speculation that if there were tumor cells active in the body, that they would be especially susceptible to angiogenesis and cause the tumor to grow at a much faster rate. Since 2004 many experiments have been done to prove this hypothesis, but so far, all of them have been largely unsuccessful.

A study published in 2004 by the American Association of Cancer Research stated that PPAR agonists have:


…Shown to have no effect on the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells and “…under normal culture conditions, PPAR activation has no effect on cell growth”.

Keep in mind that this study was done in rats given amounts of 400 mg a day and was abused and ran for hundreds of weeks to top it all off. Time and time again this study has been refuted and shown to be deeply flawed and inaccurate.

In a 2008 experiment done on human breast cancer and colon cancer cells, not only did the PPAR agonist GW 501516 prove to be safe for use, it has proven to inhibit cancer cell growth. The National Institute of Health has confirmed without a reasonable doubt that GW 501516 inhibits a multitude of cancers in human cells.

Over a decade of research studies on human PPAR beta (the primary target of GW) has only proven a decrease in cancer cells with extended use (up to two years). The confusion for these previous allegations of cancer growth were from results published in 1996 and have long since been abandoned due to new clinical research. The chemical compound has been dosed in human PPAR for a number of years and has only provided positive results on cancer treatments, liver function, and metabolic efficiency.

In all of the human studies done so far, there were no noticeable side effects at all while running GW.

Recommendations & Dosing Guidelines for Cardarine

  • 10-20 mg per day is a sufficient dose. It is recommended to start at 10mg per day to take advantage of the host’s sensitivity to the new chemical. 10 mg a day is aimed for endurance, and the higher the dosage the greater the fat loss benefits are going to be
  • Lab mice should be given dosages 45 minutes- 1 hour before exercise.
  • GW501516 has been tested for a 2 year study and has found no decreases or stagnation in effects. Most individuals run cycles for 12-14 weeks at a time with a 4-6 week break. This is normally to coincide with a SARM cycle, but there is no evidence showing that GW 501516 needs to be off-cycled after such a short amount of time. GW 501516 was created for LONG TERM usage, so there is no reason why it shouldn’t be used that way.
  • Half life is between 16-24 hours and should be take at 10mg once a day or 10mg once every 10-12 hours if taken at a higher dose.
  • No PCT is needed, GW is recommended in combination with PCT if highly toxic anabolics have been used.
  • Highly recommended to use with a ketogenic diet.
  • Can be used in conjunction with anabolics and stimulants of any kind without adverse reactions.

Stacking GW 501516

Stacking Cardarine means running it in combination with other compounds. What makes Cardarine stand out is it can be used with almost anything (cutting, bulking or recomping).

  • Bulking – clean up your gains and make that bulk cleaner while maintaining size.
  • Cutting – totally optimal when it comes to weight loss while holding on to muscle mass.
  • Recomping – perfect for building lean muscle and losing fat

The most common way to use Cardarine is in a triple stack involving LGD 4033 and Mk 2866. You’ll have all the gains, endurance, fat loss and size gains by taking all three.

Also, you can buy GW 501516 in many of the stacks by Medfit Nutrition on Gold Bond USA.

My most recommended are

Final Takeaway

After a lot of research and personal use, there is nothing I can recommend more than Cardarine. It is the king of all fat burners and reigning champion of endurance supplements. GW 501516 has received many rave reviews from its users. One user even said “…GW is probably the closest thing in research to a perfect formula. Stamina and fat loss is unreal!…” There’s no doubt this is the Clenbuterol of PPARs.

It’s true that most athletes and professional bodybuilders simply lack the endurance and cardio levels to get the results they want. With GW, you can actually add lean mass while reducing body fat…something you can’t do taking anything else. You’ll be able to lift longer and harder, and with an intensity never known to you before. This obviously is what it takes to get results and get them fast.



Other Name(s): Stenabolic
Half Life: 24 hours

SR9009, also known as Stenabolic, is a new drug currently being de...



veloped at TSRI (The Scripps Research Institute). It has been shown to considerably boost exercise endurance in animal models, leading scientists to believe that SR9009 could improve individuals suffering from illnesses limiting physical movement including obesity, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), congestive heart failure and slow the deterioration of age related muscle capacity.

The Benefits of SR9009: A Drug Causing Major Breakthroughs

Stenabolic was first developed by Professor Thomas Burris who first used it to experiment with mice. Within days, the treated mice became leaner, developed larger muscles and had a 50% increase in running ability .

SR9009 basically imitates the effects of aerobic exercise.

It does this by binding itself to Rev-erbα, which is responsible for lipid and glucose metabolism, the creation of fat-storing cells and the reaction of macrophages during inflammation.

According to Burris:


The animals actually get muscles like an athlete who has been training. The pattern of gene expression after treatment with SR9009 is that of an oxidative-type muscle— again, just like an athlete.”

SR9009 affects the primary biological clock, which coordinates the rhythm of the body’s activity with the 24-hour phase of day and night.

Recent research show that activation of Rev-erbα with SR9009 resulted to enhanced metabolic activity in skeletal muscle tissue in both culture and in mice. The authors of this new research propose that Rev-erbα affects muscle cells by stimulating both the formation of new mitochondria (more known as the “power plants” of the cell) and the authorization of those mitochondria that are flawed.

If the effects of SR9009 on mice can securely be duplicated for people, the new drug may provide new treatments for obesity and its companions, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Another area in which SR9009 or a similar drug may present significant benefit is to balance the loss of overall muscle conditioning which transpires as a side effect of reduced activity due to sickness or old age.

Hoping that small-scale medical trials on people start ASAP!

Tips For Dosage

SR9009 is meant to be run on a minumum of 12 weeks. As with any SARM or anabolic compound, you should always assess your animal’s tolerance first by starting at 10mg and working your way up.

A good sweet spot is somewhere around the 20mg per day area.

Stenabolic is not as anabolic as some of the other SARMs, and therefore is perfect for cutting or recomping during a cycle. If you do want to put on added weight while using SR 9009, then be sure stick to a diet of high calories and protein.

What About the Side Effects of SR9009?

I know you must be wondering if taking Stenabolic is going to cause any problematic side effects while on cycle. And the truth is, there are no recorded adverse effects as a result of taking SR 9009.

It is still a relatively new drug currently undergoing testing, but has been deemed 100% safe up till this point.

Andarine (S4)


Other Name(s): GTX007
Half Life: 2.6 – 5.3 hours

S4 (Andarine) or Acetamidoxolutamide, is a SARMS (Select...



ive Androgen Receptor Modulator) . But the idea for S-4 didn’t start out as many believe.

It wasn’t an attempt to create a safer version of steroids or any of that nonsense people use to sell anabolics.

S-4 started out as a new development for male contraceptives and showed promising results like decreases in spermatogenesis and huge boosts in male libido. For any of you who have had trouble getting your wife pregnant while on sarms…you’re welcome.

However, when researchers began experimenting on mice with S4, they discovered interesting findings about how this first generation SARM affected castrated lab mice.

Not only did Andarine increase the production of muscle mass and calcium for bone density, but was COMPLETELY SELECTIVE in its tissue growth!

As studies continued, many of these research trials resulted in astonishing outcomes creating a benchmark for even more research.

Today, we’ll take a closer look on everything we currently know in 2018 about Andarine in this writeup…

How S4 Works

To start, let’s describe what a SARM does.

There are three type of chemicals that act on the androgen receptor (AR):

  • 1st is the an AR antagonist, which is a chemical that binds to the receptor to prevent it from activating.
  • 2nd is an AR agonist (A good example of an AR agonist is testosterone. Each time the AR is bonded with testosterone, a signal is sent out to activate a particular set of genes. The more testosterone in the system, the more AR binding that will occur), which binds to the receptor and detaches, then binds again, over and over.
  • 3rd is an AR modulator, or basically a molecule that attaches to an AR and changes its structure to react however it wants.

A SARM such as S-4 is a good example. S-4 attaches to the AR and sticks to it; each time the AR interacts with testosterone, S-4 forces it to produce genes that exclusively benefit muscle and bone growth. In other words, S4 is a form of SARM that attaches to the androgen receptor (AR) the same with regular androgens, the only variation is that S4 generates selective anabolic activity.

As mentioned earlier, SARMS function by tying to the AR resulting to anabolic activity. Due to this fastening and stimulation, more protein is produced which allows muscle building. S4 can trigger muscle development in the same way as steroids, but minus the same unwanted side effects.

S4 is a SARM with utmost androgenic effects and is 33% of the strength of testosterone when attaching to AR.

S-4 also increases the amount of muscle mass produced by desensitizing the AR to the individual’s natural testosterone to influence a stronger effect.

The Key Benefits of S4 (Andarine)

S-4 is by far the most versatile SARM ever created. Not only is it the first SARM approved for a stage 2 research study, it has become the most analyzed and investigated SARM so far. After the discovery of its anabolic potential, the primary purpose of S-4 aimed to develop an alternative treatment to age-related muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and similar symptoms of hypogonadism, or end-stage renal disease.

Aside from preserving lean body mass, S4 can also help improve it.

From a stage 1 study, S-4 has provided evidence of a 3.3 lbs increase in less than 90 days with no increases exercise or change in daily diet. An unintended side effect (or benefit if you will) is the decrease in body fat [Chen et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2005; Kearbey et al., 2007]. Decreases in body fat are dependent on the person’s genetics, but it will definitely have strong effects on the body’s ability to oxidize fatty tissue. S-4 was found to not only have a great affinity (potency in binding to androgen receptors), while also presenting greater anabolic effects than some traditional steroids [Kearbey et al., 2007].

Aside from its muscle building advantages, S4 won’t cause liver damage, can prevent gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men) and can help boost your overall health.

Here are some of the other benefits of Andarine that are worth noting:

  1. Very minimal growth on secondary sexual organs such as the prostate.
  2. The LDL/ HDL ratio is not affected which makes it a low cardiovascular risk.
  3. 0% chance of aromatization, male breast lactation, or rise in any other female characteristic during the post cycle recovery. [Kearbey et al., 2007]
  4. Testosterone is not diminished in any capacity during the post cycle recovery.
  5. Very exclusive in tissue selection and growth which means it will not cause heart enlargement or damage to neighboring organs.
  6. SARMs do NOT require the utilization or devouring of liver enzymes to activate their anabolic effects. This eliminates any risk of hepatotoxicity or hepatitis.
  7. Although SARMs such as S-4 are not as powerful as comparable steroids such as Winstrol, they do not require the extensive post cycle therapy and can be cycled back to back throughout the year. Over the course of a year, obtaining the same results is very possible.
  8. SARMs is very female friendly and does not cause excessive masculine features such enlarged sexual characteristics.
  9. S-4 has overall presented larger increases in muscle mass than DHT.

Full Muscle Regeneration & Lean Body Mass

Once more, an early study done on S-4 provided proof of full muscle regeneration in volunteers with degenerative disorders without the use of exercise and the minimum dosage of 3mg/kg/day. Changes can be seen anywhere from 1-2 weeks. This was the very first study classified S-4 as CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT by improving skeletal muscle strength, lean body mass, and a reduction in body fat [Chen et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2005; Kearbey et al., 2007]. Unfortunately, there are always some side effects that arise when using Because S-4 is a ligand by definition, the side effects will never be permanent even at supraphysiological dosages and can be easily avoided through proper dosing.

The Side Effects: What You “See” Is What You Get

Unfortunately, there are always some side effects that arise when using Because S-4 is a ligand by definition, the side effects will never be permanent even at supraphysiological dosages and can be easily avoided through proper dosing. Also, Andarine follows the law of diminishing returns meaning that over time, your body will develop a tolerance and the SARM will become less effective after a certain milligram percentage. For the average person it ranges from 50mg to 75mg. there are people that can go above this range for even more amazing results or need to stay below this range because they are unable to tolerate the chemical. About 99.5% of the population should fall within the 50mg to 75mg range.

The most popular negative effects of S-4 are visual issues such as the yellow tint and difficulty adjusting to night vision. These side effects are unique to S-4 and are sometimes overblown. If these side effects present themselves, simply stop taking S-4 for two days and stay at a 5 day on/ 2 day off cycle. THESE EFFECTS ARE NOT PERMANENT! Once a ligand (such as a SARM) leaves the system, it’s effects disappear completely.

Lastly, S-4 and most other SARMs have been known to cause depression in a small population of people. This has been discovered as more of a psychological issue than a physiological issue. researchers with mice suffering from any emotional disorders need to be cautious when using this chemical.

Dosing Guidelines

Benefits of Andarine have been reported with dosages ranging between 25mg and 50mg 3x per day.

Unfortunately, the higher the dosage, the higher the side effects. S4 is a rare form of SARM that has a greater risk of side effects than most other SARMs.

These effects are not permanent. S4 has been proven safe and effective for cycles up to 3 months.

How Andarine is used will depend on the kind of results you want. Here are the general guidelines…

Dosing Guidelines

One study in particular compared S-4 to DHT (a common anabolic steroid); the results have shown that S-4 exceeded DHT in producing lean muscle mass over the course of 120 days with only 3mg per day. Another study identified that S-4 is completely absorbed even at very low doses.

Here are some more general guidelines depending on goals:

  • Most people have opted to split their 50mg to 75mg doses into 3 separate doses (one with each meal), 5 days per week for no more than 12 to 16 weeks. This has become somewhat of a dogma but there are now studies proving that it is any more effective than one solid dose once a day [Chen et al., 2005a; Gao et al., 2004; Gao et al., 2005; Kearbey et al., 2007; Kearbey et al., 2004].
  • Once again, as mentioned above, S-4 does have point of diminishing returns. This means usage of S-4 passed 75mg or usage of S-4 for more than 16 weeks will not result in any added muscle mass. There will not be an increase in side effects either, but you will be running the risk of AR desensitization and inevitably wasting your product.
  • Dosing with S-4 for less than 6-8 weeks is not recommended and will not allow the researcher to witness the full benefits of the product.

Recommended dose for cutting is 50 mg for 6-8 weeks. You should use it every day then take 2 days off for the duration. Taking S4 daily for the length of the cycle can lead to changes in eyesight.

Uses of Andarine

For Cutting (best use of S4)

Andarine’s properties are very alike with steroids Anavar and Winstrol, the only difference is that S4 can better provide lean muscle gains. In fact, there have been many cases of bodybuilders gaining up to 3 pounds of lean muscle while on a caloric deficit! S4 displays the same binding resemblance to AR, hence presenting similar fat burning effects. S4 can also minimize LPL (lipoprotein lipase) – an enzyme that causes lipid accumulation and plays a role in storing adipose tissue (excess body fat). The AR oxidizes this adipose tissue and uses it as its preferred energy source, allowing the body to decrease excess fat at an amazing rate.

It also improves vascularity for that “aesthetic” chiseled look with minimal to no water retention. Unlike steroids, it won’t affect your joints but reinforce muscle mass and power instead. You can also say goodbye to painful pumps.

Recommended Dosage: 50 mg for 6-8 weeks.

*Take 2 days off when taking S4 (repeat the cycle after the 2 day break) to avoid vision side effects.

For Recomping

Use S4 with a more anabolic SARM such as Ostarine for better recomp results as you’re aiming to gain muscle while losing fat. Recommended intake is 50-75 mg for 4 to 8 weeks.

For Bulking

S-4 isn’t the sarm that comes to mind when we think “BULKING”, but it’s properties in muscle gain shouldn’t be overlooked. During the holiday season, many people take advantage of the excess food and snacks available and jump on some well known bulking SARMs such as LGD 4033 or RAD 140. While there isn’t an enormous 15 lb leap in muscle like these “bulk specific” products, S-4 can provide relatively large muscle gains and utilize these excess calories to provide an extra 8-10 lbs in muscle while also keeping the body relatively lean. This steady increase in muscle mass can limit the amount of work one needs to do for a leaner summer body.

Our S4 Andarine Review

S4 really does give great progress. I have to say that I have lost a significant amount of weight while running Andarine as I’m burning more calories to build and repair muscle for those intense muscle gains.

One user even said “…Because my muscles look more defined, I have a better physique thanks to the effect that causes the epidermis and muscles to be free of unnecessary moisture…” – Truly, there’s no better way to beef up without the nasty side effects than S4 Andarine!